Saturday, January 29, 2011


Tonight I will take my Trigger shot to release the follies from the ovaries, before they actually release the doc will go in and retrieve them. The ER date and time is set for Monday at 730am. I'm so nervous but ready to move forward. They didn't count as many today at the ultrasound which bums me out but we need to worry more about the quality of the eggs rather then how many we can get. The doc did say I stimmed better this time, I was even on a pretty low dose. So we are done with the belly injections and now move onto the trigger shot which has to be put into the muscle. After we get the fertilization report I will start progesterone shots.


  1. hmmm 16 on the left, 12 on the right...that equals 28 babies? jk. Good luck tomorrow...I'll be checking back to see how you're both doing.

  2. I got your text....praying...keep us posted!
