Monday, October 4, 2010

Its Time!!!

I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time. I'm up way too early, my retrieval isn't until 9am but of course my mind is racing. I'm not allowed to eat anything in case they have to put me under anesthesia so of course this morning I am actually hungry, go figure. I won't be completely out for the procedure so I guess that is why I am nervous, they will be giving medication by IV but they said some women remember it and some don't. I'm really hoping I'm one who doesn't remember what is going on.

Don't forget to vote on how many follies(eggs) you think they will retrieve, I should know today how many they got and then tomorrow they will let me know how many fertilized after that they let them grow until transfer.


  1. So excited for you! Good luck today!!!

  2. Well as luck would have it, Dawn was completely aware of everything going on during the procedure, and she could feel everything (even after being given 4 times the normal dose of sedation). So it was a little rough for her but she made it through. She's in bed now sleeping, I guess they gave her some pretty good pain killers...
