Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sad news

Most of you already know that we got the worst news we could get today, none of the eggs fertilized. After they retrieve the eggs they place them in a petri dish with the sperm and then let them fertilize naturally. About 50% of the time they use a procedure called ICSI where they force the sperm into the egg, they don't like to do this procedure unless they know ahead of time the sperm is deformed and wont fertilize without help. Well for us they had no reason to believe the sperm wouldn't be able to break through the shell of the egg and fertilize, that only happens 1 in 1000 cases, and were that one. The doc felt so bad and did all the research he could to figure what happened before he called to give us the bad news. We are both so very heart broken, from what they could tell all 24 eggs seemed perfect. I had a hard time with the procedure, they don't use anesthesia to knock you out, just a drug that dulls the pain and most dont remember anything that happened. For some reason i didn't respond well to the meds and ended up being alert the whole time, along with being very sensitive and having a lot of discomfort. They even gave me 4 times the normal amount, so you can say the past two days have not been easy on me. I was ok with the pain and discomfort because i would remind myself that no pain no gain and this is all worth it because we will have our miracle baby, but now it was all for nothing. We both feel as if we have lost our children.

We met with the Doctor today, he got us in right away when we got there which was nice since I had already been balling my eyes out all morning and could not handle sitting in a waiting room with pregnant women. He explained what happened and told us our options and how we are their priority when we are ready to come back and try again. They will get us in any cycle we want. He is also trying to get as much money refunded to us as he can. He was very understanding and explained emotionally how much they all put into IVF. Being military doctors, they are not required to do IVF, and the military does not support or fund the program. They do it all on their own because they choose to.

So for now were are packing up and heading back to Vegas, were going to take a few days to grieve and then decide what the next step is. We have up to a month to decide if we want to get into the January cycle. Thanks for everyones support and prayers.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Its Time!!!

I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time. I'm up way too early, my retrieval isn't until 9am but of course my mind is racing. I'm not allowed to eat anything in case they have to put me under anesthesia so of course this morning I am actually hungry, go figure. I won't be completely out for the procedure so I guess that is why I am nervous, they will be giving medication by IV but they said some women remember it and some don't. I'm really hoping I'm one who doesn't remember what is going on.

Don't forget to vote on how many follies(eggs) you think they will retrieve, I should know today how many they got and then tomorrow they will let me know how many fertilized after that they let them grow until transfer.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Doc called...

I do my trigger shot tonight to make me ovulate, and then go in Monday at 930 am for retrieval of the eggs. So no more belly shots the rest will be in my back hip....in a week I will be Pregnant.


We're waiting on the doc to call to let us know when to do the trigger shot. He said he needs to check my blood work but is 80-90% sure I will trigger tonight and retrieval will be Monday. I have a lot so follies still, all different sizes, but the biggest ones were up to 19mm. He told me he would call around noon, I saw a different doctor today. There are 3 docs at this clinic, and the 2 I have met are really nice.

Friday, October 1, 2010

So close...

The Doc measured the eggs today and they are ranging from 13mm-17mm. They would like to see them about 18-20mm, so I go back tomorrow again to see how they have grown, and to have more blood work. my veins and tummy are so sore from all my shots and having blood drawn -- my body is getting sick of being stuck 3-4 times a day. But no pain no gain. The Doctor today cracked me up, he did the ultrasound instead of the tech who usually does it, he said "look at all the millions of eggs, beautiful."

I believe the eggs grow about 1-2mm a day, doc is thinking Monday will be my retrieval, I am more then ready mentally.