About us

We've been married for 5 years on Sept 7th, we married over seas in Italy while Devin was staioned there. We spent 2 years together In Sacile, Italy then we received orders to Las Vegas, we've now been here for 3 years and hope to PCS(move) to somewhere not so hot and maybe somewhere with that green stuff called grass. We have 2 furbabies named Chase(4) and Shelby(2.5) They are both English black labs. Chase was bought in Italy and Shelby near Reno, Nv. They enjoy doing all the out door things we love to do. We've been TTC for 4 years, and have done everything possible, even the weirdest things you could think of. So now we are on our path to IVF. We will being doing our first cycle of IVF @Wilford Hall on base in San Antonio Texas. We pray and hope that IVF will bring us our Miracle.