Saturday, January 29, 2011


Tonight I will take my Trigger shot to release the follies from the ovaries, before they actually release the doc will go in and retrieve them. The ER date and time is set for Monday at 730am. I'm so nervous but ready to move forward. They didn't count as many today at the ultrasound which bums me out but we need to worry more about the quality of the eggs rather then how many we can get. The doc did say I stimmed better this time, I was even on a pretty low dose. So we are done with the belly injections and now move onto the trigger shot which has to be put into the muscle. After we get the fertilization report I will start progesterone shots.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Update Update Update!!!!

So after 6 days(going on 7) of the stimming injections I have lead follie the size of 18mm which is where they like to see the follies for retrieval. The doc is thinking Monday ER(egg retrieval) so that means tomorrow I would do the trigger shot. I go back again sat am to do more blood work and another ultra to make sure things are still progressing and will be ready Monday am. Time seemed to be moving so slow and now Er is just about here. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Today they counted 16 on the left and 12 on my right they are thinking will be ready, there were few 11mm which probably wont catch up but hey we can be hopeful. Thankfully I respond well to the medication so even if the smaller ones don't catch up I will still have a lot to work with.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Injection Done!!

Devin was a pro of course giving me the injection, I'm so grateful he so good at giving them. My injections are 12 hours apart, so this morning I did 150 iu of Follistim and then tonight I do 15 units of micro Hcg. So anyways 7 more injections then I go back for u/s and b/w to see how everything is growing.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A fresh Start!!!!!

We had our baseline today and everything looks GREAT!! So far I have 12 follies on the left and 13 on the right that the U/S tech could see. More will probably pop up as I start the injections. I will be doing the same amount of medication as last cycle. The injections will start on sat, one in the morning and one at night. Then we go back Wednesday to see how the follies are growing, I will have more blood work and another U/S. So my guess is that my retrieval will be on the 1st of Feb. So for now we get to sit back and relax for a couple days. We are really enjoying staying with a couple who is stationed out here; they live out in the country, the dogs are in heaven. Its so peaceful out here, I even heard a rooster this morning when I took Shelby out, she took advantage of the freedom and ran after a rabbit into the dark foggy morning. She of course came back, she can never stray too far from her mommy.

Im going to add a photo of the bags of stuff we picked up today at the pharmacy, lets see if you can guess which bag is Devin's and which 2 are mine, haha :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

YAY Packers!!!

Yesterday was such an awesome game, Devin and I had a blast at the Packer bar. We are going to take the energy from the bar and the awesome win over the Falcons with us to Texas. I have one more BCP, Devin admitted he cannot wait for me to be done with those pills. Then hopefully by the end of the week I will start stimming to grow lots and lots of follies. My first appt will be Wednesday, I'm assuming I will be on the same protocol as last IVF cycle but will know more Wednesday and make sure to update then!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolutions for the McCormicks

We have 2 main resolutions that we will work towards this year. :) We would first off love to get pregnant, which is in the works and coming up very soon as all of you know. As it gets closer we are getting more and more excited, and since we have been through it once before, we know what to expect.

Our 2nd main resolution is to become 100% debt free. We started paying off debts in Oct 2010 by quickly wiping out two low-balance credit cards, and a student loan. We have two remaining debts to include another credit card, and a car loan. Our goal is to be debt free by the end of 2011. It felt great to pay off the smaller debts, they were small victories that helped us gain momentum and were a huge source of motivation for us. I cannot wait to get these other ones out of the way, we are both hooked on Dave Ramsey after taking his Financial Peace University with our small group. We even bought the DVD series for ourselves to keep us on track. From now on anything we buy will be paid for in cash, starting with our IVF and travels to Texas. His lessons have really transformed how we handle finances. It feels so good to pay cash for things and not worry about those items being charged to a credit card. For anyone who hasn't heard anything about Dave check out his website

Some other resolutions would be to get rid of some stuff that is not needed around the house. I have so much clothing I never wear anymore, so im going to go through it all and give it away to someone who needs it. We would also like to take more classes with the church and get involved again with our small group when we get back from Texas. As for Devin he is working hard on studying for promotion to Technical Sergeant (E-6) in the spring. After testing he would like to go back to school and get his bachelors degree.

I hope to make a post in the future telling everyone we have succeeded at our resolutions.

We are two weeks away from our Baseline, I am still on the BCPs. Cannot wait to be done with these things and move forward to growing our family.